Fixture Switches: Evolve-LFM-20

NEW: Try our Chrome Extension for use with a Z-Stick

Device Information

device classes0x04:0x10:0x03 (Routing Slave, Binary Switch, Binary Scene Switch)
manufacturer, type, product0x0113, 0x5246, 0x3133
library-type6 (Routing Slave)
protocol version3.40
application version5.41


Supported Command Classes

0x20 Basic 1
0x25 SwitchBinary 1
0x27 SwitchAll 1
0x2b SceneActivation 1
0x2c SceneActuatorConf 1
0x70 Configuration 1
0x72 ManufacturerSpecific 1
0x73 PowerLevel 1
0x75 Protection 1
0x86 Version 1


Press the button quickly twice in row.


The LFM-20 is rather powerful Z-Wave switch/relay which control loads of up to 277V at 20A. It is also a rather large device filling an entire switch box. It does have a button and LED in the front. The button is primarily used for pairing, but can also be used to toggle the internal relay. If manual switching is required we suggest connecting a real switch to the LFM-20. The red pig-tail is the z-wave radio antenna. This device is very popular for remote controlling garage doors, cf.:

In those approaches it does not directly control the electricity powering the door opener. It merely triggers the opening/closing, so much weaker switches would also work. Note, the device is essentially the same as the Linear FS20Z.





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